Friday, January 4, 2013

Drum Roll Please....My 2013 Personal Goals!

Hello my dears and happy Friday!  I don't know about where you are, but it's colder than a witch's heart here.  But this cold can't keep me down - after weeks of consideration, I'm excited and ready to share my 2013 goals with you guys! 

You might remember that in November I spoke about my goal setting process.  I've spent the last two months thinking about my personal development in 2013, and here are the goals I've come up with, in broad strokes:   
  1. Fitness:  Maintain and increase my physical exercise. Incorporate more vegetables, fruits, lean proteins and whole grains into my (and my family's) daily consumption.
  2. Career:  Strengthen my skill set by taking continuing education classes.  Look for a new career opportunity.
  3. Intellectual:  Read more non-fiction books and watch more documentaries.
  4. Cultural:  Take Bebe to museums and kid-friendly events.  Take some family weekend trips.
  5. Spiritual:  Attend church regularly.  Volunteer with my church.
  6. Wild CardMonth of Glam project, as inspired by the lovely Dita Von Teese!
Now, that sounds all well and good, but we're not stopping there.  I've unpacked those broad goals using the SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely) filter:

Fitness:  Walk 2+ miles every weekday.  Do 45 - 60 minutes of yoga once a week. Consume two additional cups of vegetables and fruits at least 3 days a week, through such mediums as the Glowing Green Smoothie.  Cook with whole grains such as quinoa and brown rice at least twice a week. Cook fish once a month.  Drink at least 64 ounces of water during a weekday, and at least 32 ounces of water on a weekend-day. 

Career:  Write a statement of intent describing my desired next position in my professional community of practice. Take at least two professional classes this calendar year. Check twice a week (Monday and Friday) on job-post forums to see if any new opportunities match my statement.  Apply as appropriate.

Intellectual:  Read at least two non-fiction books this year (possible candidates: Bringing Up Bebe, The Omnivore's Dilemma).  Watch at least four documentaries.

Cultural:  Take Bebe out to at least one museum or kid-friendly event every month. Plan two weekend overnight trips (one in winter/spring, and one in summer) to areas within a three-hour drive from our house.

Spiritual:  Attend at least two church services every month.  Volunteer with my church at least once this year to cook meals for the homeless.

Wild Card:  Undertake and document the Month of Glam project in May 2013. 

Do you see what a difference it makes to get really specific about your goals?  When I apply the SMART filter to my original goals, I go from well-intentioned but vague statements to specific and measurable action items.  Now, of course, the challenge is to implement them! 

I will be entering reminder alerts into my iPhone and work calendars to remind me of some of these action points.  Putting a specific date (such as May for the Month of Glam project), also helps to solidify and target a goal that might have otherwise gotten pushed off over and over again throughout the year. 

What do you think of my goals?  And what goals have you set for yourselves in this new year?


P.S. Am excited to announce that the next posting in the Embracing Change series will be going up next week!  Stay tuned!!


  1. Your goals are much more in depth than what I came up with: Good for you! Am now thinking I need to rethink mine...eeek!

  2. DC Discountess - I love your resolutions, and was thinking about Resolution #1 (no more lip gloss) this morning as I dug past two tubes of balm in my bag! :-)

    I actually think most of your resolutions meet the SMART parameters, though I suppose Resolution #4 (budget), Resolution #5 (dinner parties, and Resolution #6 (grocery store) could have some more specific metrics. I will be watching Resolution #7 (free/discount events around town) like a hawk for inspiration!


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