Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Little moments of quiet

I got into the office 30 minutes ago, after dropping Bebe off at his new nanny-share.  I vainly and foolishly wore heeled booties today, and my feet were screaming at me by the time I got to the office.

I had a long, busy weekend that was not at all restful, and the past 36 hours have been a little stressful as we all adjust to our new daycare routine.  Bebe apparently screamed all morning yesterday at the nanny-share, and refused to eat anything until the afternoon.  By the time he got picked up by his father, everyone was exhausted and a little stressed, including Bebe, who fell asleep in my arms a full hour before his bedtime.

This morning Mr. MF kindly took the dog out for a walk at 5:15, while I hurridly tried to pump enough milk to fill Bebe's third and last bottle.  Hopefully he accepts his bottles from the nanny this morning, and drinks all of their contents.  I don't want to dump out any unused breastmilk tonight, like I did last night (5 ounces, sob), which is just awful, considering how much effort it takes for me to produce the daily minimum. 

Anyway, my dears, here's my point...it's nice to be able to sit at my desk, in the relative quiet of my office, and enjoy my peach Chobani and my peanut butter granola bar, and wiggle my feet free of my heels.  I have no idea what this afternoon holds - another phone call from the nanny telling me Bebe won't eat, an tense husband stressing about our son's day, or heck, anything work-related that can take place between now and 5:00pm.  So for these last few minutes, it's been nice to eat my breakfast, rest my feet, and talk to you all. 

Okay - deep breath - here we go.  Bring it, Tuesday.


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