Monday, September 10, 2012

Modern Femme at Home...Reliable Routines

I could not get through my work week without a routine.  A perfect example of this is my weekday morning routine.  At any given time in the morning, from 5:30am - 8:00am, you'll probably find me doing the same thing that I did the day before.  Of course, sometimes I'm a little ahead of schedule, or a little behind schedule, but typically, the same things get done every day.

My morning routine will be changing at the end of the month, when Bebe switches from day care to a nanny-share, but until then, this is how my mornings unfold:

5:30am: Alarm goes off.  Ugh.
5:40:  Modern Femme (MF) lets dog out to pee, pours herself a piping hot cup of coffee, makes any breakfast items (smoothie, fresh juice, or granola) for Mr. MF. 
5:45: MF heads upstairs to Bebe's nursery for wake-up and morning feeding.
6:00: Bebe is changed and dressed for day care by MF and brought downstairs.
6:15: Mr. MF's lunch and Bebe's bottles (all prepped the night before) are handed off to Mr. MF. 
6:20: Mr. MF and Bebe out the door to daycare.
6:30:  MF and the dog are out the door for a morning stroll.

Sunrise in the city, as seen on my morning walk with the dog.
6:50: Back home.  Fur babies are feed breakfast.  MF tidies up kitchen (puts away clean dishes, washes dirty ones) and assembles lunch.  Grabs second cup of coffee then upstairs and makes bed. 
7:30: MF prepares for the day, showers, dresses, etc. 
7:50: MF heads downstairs to pee the dog one more time and give her her daily bribe treat, peanut butter!!  Collects various bags (bag lady!) and lunch.
8:00: Out the door and off to work.

The non-negotiable aspects of my morning routine, the things that I will always do, unless I'm running wicked late, include emptying out the dish drainage board and putting clean dishes away, cleaning the coffee pot and any kitchen tools I used to make breakfast or lunch, and making the bed.  I cannot leave dirty dishes in the sink, nor can I leave an unmade bed.  I just can't stand it.

I would like to add a workout to my morning routine, but short of taking the dog on a morning run instead of a morning walk, I simply don't have the time!  Maybe my new schedule will allow for a bit of room for cardio or yoga.

What's your morning routine like?


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