Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Modern Femme: Full Disclosure

So, as I was considering what to post about this morning, I got to thinking on how people present themselves to the world through social media.  We all try to write clever Facebook status updates, have witty tweets, take cool pictures through Instagram, or create our perfect lives on Pinterest.  It's so easy to pick and choose what you share with the world, to create the best version of yourself through the Internet and social media.  It's so easy to take yourself too dang SERIOUSLY.

We're going to try and keep it real here on Modern Femme.  Part of being a modern femme, after all, is knowing when to take yourself seriously, and when to laugh at yourself.  In that spirit, I am starting the Full Disclosure series, or as I like to think of it, a celebration of the imperfect.  I hope that you can not only come visit this blog to be entertained or inspired, but also to laugh a little at me.  Trust me, I can be a hot mess. 

1.  I have off weeks on what I blog about, whether it be menu planning or egg timer tricks or beauty routines.  There was a two week period where I would have rather stabbed my eyeballs out than look at any of my cookbooks.  I. Was. Sick. Of. Them.  I don't remember what we ate - probably a lot of pizza delivery - maybe even beer and cereal.

2.   I let my dog lick my kid's face.  It's totally gross and my husband hates it, but I just really want my dog to like my kid.  And so far my kid hasn't come down with any horrible disease.  Though I feel really bad about it every time I watch my dog lick the floor/her butt/lamp posts.

3.  I talk to myself.  Like, all the time.  In the shower, when walking the dog, etc.  It helps me work through stuff - whether it be a blog post I'm trying to craft, or a issue I'm trying to get to the bottom of.  My neighbors are probably used to it by now.  "There goes Mumbles," they say, shaking their heads, "poor thing, off her meds again."

4.  I'm a total TOTAL hypochondriac.  I once cancelled a fun day of social engagements because of a lump on my wrist that I was convinced was a...DA DUM DUM....tumor.  Wrist cancer people!  It could happen. My doctor practically laughed me out of his office.  My friends flat out laughed at me, period.  It was a cyst, by the way, in case you're wondering.  My uncle offered to smash it with a Bible.  I have supportive family members.

5.  I'm an impulsive spender.  I had a dream last night that I spent $400 on placemats and then - this is where it turned into a nightmare - had to go home and tell my husband.  Sadly, this situation is probably not *that* far off from reality. 

I'll stop there. But hey, don't you already feel a little bit better about yourself?  Or at least, that maybe you're not alone.  Hypochondriacs of the world, unite!  (But don't get too close, I think I'm contagious.)

Until next time, I remain imperfectly yours,

P.S. I can't spell the following words:  weird, lavender, necessary. If you see those words on my blog, you better believe spell check caught and fixed them before the post went up.  xo

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