Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Modern Femme Entertains...Bebe's first party!

My little one is getting baptised this weekend.  After the baptism we are throwing a party for him - his first party ever!  I've been day dreaming about this shindig for a while, and taking a lot of inspiration from Pinterest.  As the event gets closer, I thought it would be fun to do a post on what has inspired me, and then a follow up post after the party to show that inspiration in action!  Ok? Good! 

Let's get started:

The color scheme for the party was inspired by this photograph.  Classic red, white and blue.

I loved this invitation that I found on Etsy.  It was hard to find a classic looking invitation for an outdoor summer party that didn't involve big cartoon grills.

The party will be hosted outdoors on a flagstone terrace that spills out into a grassy, shaded backyard. I love outdoor decorations for parties - they really help to define the space, and add that extra festive element.  Because the bebe's party will be during the day, strings of lights are not practical, but aren't the crepe streamers adorable?

This is going to be a casual afternoon affair, so tubs filled with ice and drinks for guests to help themselves is perfect.  And how cute is the ribbon attached to the bottle opener??

How cute are these monogrammed sweets?  Because this is a party celebrating Bebe, something along these lines is a must.

Finally, because many guests will be bringing their children, it seems only right to have a kid-friendly space for the littlest party-goers to frolic in!

 So there you have it, my dear readers.  These are some of the photos I have in my mind to work with.  Look for an follow-on post from the party to show how I did making my inspiration a reality.

Wish me luck!


  1. I wouldn't have noticed that bottle opener ribbon unless you'd pointed it out, but now that you have I agree that it's very charming.

  2. :-) Isn't it though? That picture comes via the doyenne of entertaining, Ms. Stewart.


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